Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Describe Top Management With Respect To Software Model - 275 Words

Describe Top Management With Respect To Software Model (Essay Sample) Content: Top ManagementStudents NameUniversity Affiliation Software-As-A-Service (SaaS) is a software distribution model in cloud computing where applications are hosted and made available to customers over the Internet by a third-party provider host. The software-as-a-service (SaaS) business model attracts great attention from both researchers and practitioners (Ma, 2007). SaaS vendors offer computing utility services in order to process and deliver on-demand information to users. Years back, Bill Gates stated in a memo that the emergence and rise of the Software-As-A-Service (SaaS) business model would be the next sea-change in computing (Niccolai, 2005).The answers to the following questions recommend the best decisions for Top Management Company to take as a fast-growing company.Would it be necessary for Top Management to customize or change their business processes to fit their SaaS? Since change is inevitable, with time, software customers usually encounter changing need s that need to be addressed. This calls for updates to be made on the software by the software system developers in order to meet the changing needs. This has to be done in the minimum time possible to avoid indefinite disruptions of normal business activities.What are the implications of changing business process to fit their SaaS? In this case, the fast-growing company would actually be at a crisis. This is because some of the business services that arose with time and couldnt be accommodated in the current SaaS would be suppressed.What are the implications of customizing the SaaS to fit their business processes? Using custom-made SaaS would be the ...

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