Wednesday, July 31, 2019

French History: Belle Époque Essay

Belle Epoque means beautiful era in French. This is an apt description of what took place during the late 1800s up until the start of the First World War. This period of European history is characterized by political stability, peace between major European nations and a flourishing in almost all aspects of society. This modern golden age of Europe started with the peace following the Franco-Prussian war. (Rudorff) Although tensions were still present between rival countries like France and Germany, the improvement of international relations helped conclude treaties and summits. Most notable of these were the Congress of Berlin in 1878 by which the major countries of Europe met to discuss the future of the Balkan and Ottoman states, and the Berlin Congo Conference in 1884 which aimed to regulate European trade in Africa. (Childers and Teaching Company. ) The major European countries at the start of the Belle epoque were pursuing diplomacy with each other in concern with major issues. This could be said to be a result of the past Franco-Prussian war Politics in the Belle Epoque was with few explosive conflicts. Europe as a whole was too interested in Africa, in the Scramble for Africa that followed the Berlin Congo Congress, to fight with each other in their native continent. The Scramble for Africa denoted the individual European Countries’ contest over the resource rich continent. The internal politics of each country was relatively stable, except for Portugal, with the revolution of 1910. Although peaceful, The Belle Epoque was characterized by growing tension between the bourgeoisie and the workers throughout Europe, giving an increase in socialist activities. During this period, science and technology made rapid advancement in almost all fields. The relative isolationism between countries and parts of the world was significantly reduced with the proliferation of new modes of transportation like the automobile, the airplane, and the underground railway system. The world further shrank with the advent of the telephone, which enabled real time voice communications across far distances. The world of arts was also revolutionized with the cinematograph and the phonograph. The Belle Epoque also produced various breakthroughs in physics, microbiology, biology and chemistry. This was the time of the discoveries and theories of Pasteur, Planck, Bohr, and Einstein among others. It was also in 1895, upon the death of Alfred Nobel, that the Nobel Prize was enacted. The social sciences and psychology also flourished with thinkers like Sigmund Freud, Max Webber and Simmel. Perhaps the most noted feature of the Belle Epoque is the revolutionary transformations in the art and literature of the world. The stability of the major European countries, and the ease by which on could travel within Europe all gave rise to art revolutions centralized in European capital cities. In, Paris, a new movement called Impressionism, from the work of Clause Monet set the standard all across Europe. This was followed by the Expressionist movement, originating in Germany, which spread all throughout Europe and across the Atlantic, to America. Most notable of these were the works of Edward Munch, Wassily and Egon Schiele. Art Nouveau, fin de siecle and other art movements sprang from various European cities as offspring of both Impressionism and Expressionism. The era also produced a rise in graphic art, with a huge proliferation of sketches, etchings, lithographs and posters. The decadence brought upon by stability is evident in the quality of life and the vibrant display of the arts in the major European capitals. The artistic freedom in this era was also one highlight. Every topic, every scene could be seen depicted in almost any medium during the Belle Epoque. Artists in this era gained almost worldwide notoriety, like Oscar Wilde. The advances in art were not limited to painting and sculpture. Architecture and fashion also flourished during the Belle Epoque. Parisian fashion among the middle and upper classes were sophisticated and extravagant. (Feinblatt et al. ) Architecture progressed with the rise of the artistic movements, producing many revolutionary works. The introduction of the cinematograph also revolutionized visual media, leading to greater interest in films and cinema. Louis Lumiere produced the first short films that were the first paid public exhibitions of such works. Melies introduced the realm of the extraordinary to the films, showing fantastic spectacles as opposed to real life events. Even advertising reached its first pinnacle during the Bell Epoque, with prints and poster being source of income and avenue for artistic expression. Literature, music and the theatre accompanied the arts’ progression during the Belle Epoque. Expressionism lent new material to theatrical productions, which now aimed to shock audiences with graphic and sexual material. (Rearick) Music in the Belle Epoque is evidenced by salon, which gained mainstream popularity due to its light and shot tones. Naturalism and realism pervaded literature, with writers like Yeats, Fontane, Mauppasant and Zola. The surrealist works of Franz Kafka also dealt with the conditions of society, the transformation of the world. Other authors include Thomas Mann and Marcel Proust. (Trueba and Lola Films (Firm)) The Belle Epoque ended with the beginning of the First World War. The tensions that belied the calm surface of the era culminated in a war that involved almost all major nations in the world. The socialist undertones brewing during the Belle Epoque all exploded during the war. The Belle epoque is considered the golden age of Modern Europe. In between two major wars, the peace in this era produced a general feeling of stability and decadence. Prosperity and enjoyment permeated the lifestyle of the middle and upper classes. The stability of the era also paved the way for rapid advancement in the arts, science, literature and technology. As an era, the Belle Epoque is a good case study as to how productive peace can be, and the effects of wars on the development of mankind’s culture. References Childers, Thomas, and Teaching Company. Europe and Western Civilization in the Modern Age. [sound recording] /. Teaching Co. ,, Springfield, VA :, 1998. Feinblatt, Ebria, et al. â€Å"Toulouse-Lautrec and His Contemporaries : Posters of the Belle Epoque from the Wagner Collection. † (1985): 264 p. Rearick, Charles. â€Å"Pleasures of the Belle Epoque : Entertainment and Festivity in Turn-of-the-Century France. † (1985): xiii, 239 p. , [10] p. of plates. Rudorff, Raymond. â€Å"The Belle Epoque; Paris in the Nineties. † (1973): 365 p. Trueba, Fernando, and Lola Films (Firm). Belle Epoque [the Age of Beauty]. [videorecording] =. Columbia TriStar Home Video,, [Burbank, Calif. ] :, 1994.

Marketing and Overall Communications Objectives

Integrated Marketing Communications Plan Outline 1. 0 Executive Summary The executive summary is an important piece to your IMC Plan. Often, CEO’s will not take the time to read all of the details of the plan, so this particular part of the plan should be a one page summary of the goals, execution plan, and potential results. 2. 0 Marketing Communications Objectives The marketing communications objectives set the tone for the whole plan. They should be specific, measurable, and used throughout the rest of plan so that all of the tools are aligned to enhance the overall goals.The Marketing Communications objectives should also be bereft of any mention of raising sales. Instead, they should be focused on actual communication objectives, such as â€Å"increase web traffic by 20%,† or â€Å"reach 15% of the target market in the first month. † 3. 0 Situation Analysis The situation analysis is the point in the document where you should discuss the initial research find ings that will guide your recommendations. Only relevant information should be displayed in this area, as you will need to invoke it, when discussing the actions that need to be taken to accomplish the marketing communications objectives.You will also want to identify your stakeholders, target audiences, discuss geographic considerations, seasonality, the competition, the creative strategy of the competition, and perform a SWOT analysis. 4. 0 Research This section should clearly articulate the research tools, mediums, and points of emphasis for the campaign. This is not only about past research, but on-going research that can be used to help with the evaluation of the campaign. An important question to ask is, â€Å"how do we plan to review the changing perception of the brand and product†? . 0 IMC Campaign Strategy Outline the overall strategy and how/why it should be effective to accomplish the marketing communications objectives. Discuss how you intend to message the stake holders and target audiences and why it makes sense to do so in the manner you have selected. This section should also help you identify why key stakeholders will act favorably or unfavorably to messaging, identify potential challenges, have a market segmentation strategy, rationale for the recommendations, and fully develop the creative strategy statement. 6. Creative Brief The creative brief is a document all on its own, often used in advertising to develop an ad plan. The Big Idea of the creative should be discussed, and the logo and tagline should be developed in this section. It is often a good idea to reiterate the overall communications objectives and more clearly define communications objectives that will support the main objectives. Also write out the actual features and benefits of the product or service, as this will help develop the message and points of differentiation from the competition.The brief should then tell strategy of the creative, give tone and include a supp orting statement of the big idea. 7. 0 Advertising Tell the reader what mediums will be used for each target audience, the objectives, the media plan, and timing of the communications. Additionally, each of the mediums will need to have rough scripts, tone, colors, and artwork conveyed. 8. 0 Direct Response Email Talk about the objectives and execution strategy of emails. Also, the reader should understand where the email lists will come from, what the call to action will be, and how often the emails will go out.If testing will be performed, explain what will be tested and how that testing may affect the email message and delivery. 9. 0 Public Relations Every company has a public relations message, whether they know it or not so the IMC Plan should have a strategy associated with this particular communications vehicle. 10. 0 New Media New media is growing and must be developed to reach consumers where they are networking. Blogs, Vlogs, Podcasting, Mobile Marketing, Display Ads, and Social Networks can all be strategically used to help you accomplish communications objectives, but the plan must identify how. 1. 0 Consumer Promotions Consumer promotions can generate engagement, but a discussion about what fits with the big idea and the brand message should be performed. What are the objectives, how will it be measured, and will you do a sweepstake event, or contest? Also, another media discussion should be opened, as promotions can happen in stores, online, at experiential events, and on the phone. 12. 0 Budget The budget is quite important, as the details of how and when the money will be spent need to be understood so that the reader can know where the money is going.A suggestion is to develop a spreadsheet by month by medium and time (month, week, quarter) that will allow for dollar placement in each specific cell to make it easy for the reader to understand the complete picture. 13. 0 Measurement and Evaluation All of the measurement and evaluative tools mus t be explained. Once again, develop objectives. What specifically will be used to measure and evaluate the effectiveness can be spelled out, specifically. Questionnaires, word of mouth measurement, focus groups are all good options, but which will work for your product/company will have to be identified.It is smart to look at each recommendation and set an evaluation plan for it. The process should be repeated for advertising, sales promotions, etc. An overall measurement and evaluation plan is not acceptable in a fully developed professional plan. Specifics about each medium need to undergo extensive analysis for an on-going review of each tactic as its own entity. 14. 0 Appendices – (Communication Chart, Media Plan, Online Plan, Etc. ) Appendices are optional, but placement of charts, artwork, and spreadsheets can clutter the plan. 15. 0 References 16. 0 Footnotes

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Curriculum Guide Essay

The learner demonstrates communicative competence (and multiliteracies) through his/ her understanding of literature and other texts types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture and | |those of other countries. | |GRADE LEVEL STANDARD: The learner demonstrates communicative competence (and multiliteracies) through his/ her understanding of Afro-Asian Literature and other texts types for a deeper appreciation of Afro-Asian | |Culture and those of other countries. | |DOMAINS OF LITERACY |CONTENT STANDARD |PERFORMANCE STANDARD |LEARNING COMPETENCIES | |Listening Comprehension |Quarter 1 |Quarter 1 |Quarter 1 | | |The learner demonstrates understanding of the |The learner accurately produces a |Recognize prosodic features: stress, intonation and pauses serving as carriers of meaning that | | |prosodic features and non-verbal cues that |schematic diagram to note and give |may aid or interfere in the delivery of the message in stories and informative texts | | |serve as carriers o f meaning when listening to|an account of the important details |Note prosodic features (stress, intonation, pauses) and rate of speech as carriers of meaning | | |informative texts and longer narratives to |in long narratives or descriptions | | | |note significant details. |listened to. |Recognize changes in meaning signaled by stress, intonation and pauses | | | | | | | | | |Listen to points the speaker emphasizes as signaled by contrastive sentence stress determine how | | | | |stress, intonation, phrasing, pacing, tone and non-verbal cues serve as carriers of meaning that| | | | |may aid or interfere in the message of the text listened to | | | | | | | | | | | | |Quarter 2 |Quarter 2 |Quarter 2 | | |The learner demonstrates understanding on how | The learner creates an audio – video|Employ appropriate listening skills when listening to descriptive and long narrative texts | | |employing projective listening strategies to |presentation highlighting the core |(e. g. making predictions, noting the dramatic effect of sudden twists, etc.) | | |descriptive and longer narrative audio texts, |message of a text listened to. | | | |helps him/her to validate information, | |Employ projective listening strategies with longer stories | | |opinion, or assumption to participate well in | | | | |specific communicative context . | |Listen to determine conflicting information aired over the radio and television | | | | | | | |The learner demonstrates understanding of | |Listen for clues to determine pictorial representations of what is talked about in a listening | | |adjusting listening strategies (marginal, | |text | | |selective, attentive, critical) in relation to| | | | |the main purpose of listening, one’s | | | | |familiarity with the topic and difficulty of | | | | |the text describing a process and narrating | | | | |longer stories to suit the listening text and | | | | |task. | | | | |Quarter 3 |Quarter 3 |Quarter 3 | | |The learner demonstrates understanding in |The learner proficiently writes an |Determine the persons being addressed in an informative talk, the objective/s of the speaker and| | |validating information, opinions, or |editorial article concerning an |his/her attitude on the issues | | |assumptions made by a speaker to arrive at |issue raised by the speaker in a |Use attentive listening strategies with informative texts | | |sound decisions on critical issues. |text liste ned to. | | | | | |Note clues and links to show the speaker’s stand and assumptions | | | | |Listen for clues and links to show the speaker’s train of thoughts | | | | |Determine the stand of the speaker on a given issue | | | | |Listen to get the different sides of social, moral, and economic issues affecting a community | | |Quarter 4 |Quarter 4 |Quarter 4 | | |The learner demonstrates understanding of how |The learner creatively renders a |Process speech delivered at different rates by making inferences from what was listened to | | |the orchestration of harmony, unison, rhythm |choric interpretation of a text | | | |and the structure of narratives and other |listened to |Use syntactic and lexical clues to supply items not listened to | | |text types enable him or her to appreciate | | | | |their richness. | |Anticipate what is to follow in a text listened to considering the function/s of the statements | | | | |made | | | | | | | | | | | | || | Express appreciation for texts orally interpreted noting harmony, unison, and rhythm. | | | | | | | | | |Listen to appreciate the tune and the narrative structure of ballads | | | | | | | | | |Listen to appreciate harmony, unison, and rhythm in choric interpretations. | |Oral Language and Fluency |Quarter 1 |Quarter 1 |Quarter 1 | | |The learner demonstrates understanding of how |The learner actively participates in|Use appropriate registers to suit the intended audience, and variation in intonation and stress | | |to speak in clear, correct English appropriate|a conversational dialogue about |for emphasis and contrast | | |for a certain situation, purpose and audience.|school/environmental issues or any |Express feelings and attitudes by utilizing contrastive stress and variations of tone and tempo | | | |current social concerns. | | | | | |Use stress, intonation, and juncture to signal changes in meaning | | | | | | | |Quarter 2 |Quarter 2 |Quarter 2 | | |The learner demonstrates understanding of the |The learner joins actively in a |Ask for and give information, and express needs, opinions, feelings, and attitudes explicitly | | |various means on how figurative and academic |panel discussion on a current issue |and implicitly in an informative talk | | |language can be used in various communication |or concern. |Formulate responses to questions noting the types of questions raised (yes-no, wh-questions, | | |settings. | |alternative, modals, embedded) | | | | | | | | | |Make inquiries | | | | | | | | | |Give information obtained from mass media: newspapers, radio, television | | | | | | | | | |Highlight important points in an informative talk using multi-media resources | | |Quarter 3 |Quarter 3 |Quarter 3 | | |The learner demonstrates understanding of |The learner proficiently conducts a |Use appropriate turn-taking strategies (topic nomination, topic development, topic shift, | | |using turn-taking strategies in ext ended |formal, structured interview of a |turn-getting, etc.) in extended conversations | | |conversations to effectively convey |specific subject. |Interview persons to get opinions about certain issues | | |information. | |Respond orally to ideas and needs expressed in face-to-face interviews in accordance with the | | | | |intended meaning of the speaker | | | | |Use communication strategies (e.g. paraphrase, translations, and circumlocution) to repair | | | | |breakdown in communication | | | | | | | |Quarter 4 |Quarter 4 |Quarter 4 | | | | |Arrive at a consensus on community issues by assessing statements made | | |The learner demonstrates understanding of |The learner competently delivers an | | | |speech functions and forms as indicators of |informative speech using multi-media|React to information obtained from talks | | |meaning. |resources to highlight important | | | | |points. | Interview persons to get their opinions about social issues affecting the community | | | | | | | | | |Agree/Disagree with statements, observations and responses made when issues affecting the | | | | |community | | | | | | | | | |Infer the function/s of utterances and respond accordingly taking into account the context of the| | | | |situation and the tone used | | | | | | |Vocabulary Enhancement |Quarter 1 |Quarter 1 |Quarter 1 | | |The learner demonstrates understanding of the |The learner creatively produces an |Develop strategies for coping with unknown words and ambiguous sentence structures and discourse | |(Subsumed in all domains) |strategies for coping with the unknown words |e-portfolio of vocabulary | | | |and ambiguous sentence structures and |illustrating the use of varied |Differentiate between shades of meaning by arranging words in a cline | | |discourse to arrive at meaning. |strategies. | | | | | |Guess the meaning of idiomatic expressions by noting keywords in expressions, context clues, | | | | |collocations, clusters, etc. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Arrive at the meaning of structurally complex and ambiguous sentences by deleting expansions to | | | | |come up with kernel sentences | | | | | | | |Quarter 2 |Quarter 2 |Quarter 2 | | |The learner demonstrates understanding of the |The learner creatively prepares a |Develop strategies for coping with unknown words and ambiguous sentence structures and discourse | | |strategies for coping with the unknown words |comparative log of academic and | | | |and ambiguous sentence structures and |figurative language reflected in |Identify the derivation of words | | |discourse to arrive at meaning. |documents with the same themes. | | | | | |Define words from context and through word analysis (prefix, roots, suffixes) | | | | | | | | | |Use collocations of difficult words as aids in unlocking vocabulary | | | | | | | | | |Arrive at the meaning of structurally complex and ambiguous sentences by separating kernel | | | | |sentences from modification structures and expansions | | | | | | | | | | | | |Quarter 3 |Quarter 3 |Quarter 3 | | |The learner demonstrates understanding of the |The learner creatively produces a |Develop strategies for coping with unknown words and ambiguous sentence structures and discourse | | |strategies for coping with the unknown words |frequency word list. |Identify the derivation of words | | |and ambiguous sentence structures and | | | | |discourse to arrive at meaning. | |Define words from context and through word analysis (prefix, roots, suffixes | | | | | | | | | |Use collocations of difficult words as aids in unlocking vocabulary | | | | | | | | | |Arrive at the meaning of structurally complex and ambiguous sentences by separating kernel | | | | |sentences from modification structures and expansions. | | |Quarter 4 |Quarter 4 |Quarter 4 | | | The learner demonstrates understanding of the |The learner proficiently produces a |Develop strategies for coping with unknown words and ambiguous sentence structures and discourse | | |strategies for coping with the unknown words |glossary of words related to | | | |and ambiguous sentence structures and |specific disciplines. |Identify the derivation of words | | |discourse to arrive at meaning. | | | | | | |Define words from context and through word analysis (prefix, roots, suffixes) | | | | | | | | | |Use collocations of difficult words as aids in unlocking vocabulary | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Arrive at the meaning of structurally complex and ambiguous sentences by separating kernel | | | | |sentences from modification structures and expansions | |Reading and |Quarter 1 |Quarter 1 |Quarter 1 | |Comprehension |The learner demonstrates understanding of the |The learner produces a Reading Log |Adjust reading speed based on one’s purpose for reading and the type of materials read | | |different reading styles to suit the text and |showing various entries like the |Use different reading styles to suit the text and one’s purpose for reading | | |one’s purpose for reading. |choice of reading materials, the |Scan rapidly for sequence signals or connectors as basis for determining the rhetorical | | | |type of reading employed, etc. |organization of texts | | | | |Skim to determine the author’s key ideas and purpose by answering questions raised after | | | | |surveying the text | | | | |Read closely to select appropriate details from a selectio n for specific purposes | | |Quarter 2 |Quarter 2 |Quarter 2 | | |The learner demonstrates understanding of |The learner proficiently uses |Evaluate content, elements, features, and properties of a reading or viewing selection using a | | |textual relationships using non-linear forms |advanced organizers/ illustrations |set of criteria developed in consultation (with peers and the teacher) | | |and graphics to obtain information from linear|showing textual relationships. | | | |and non-linear texts. | |Explain visual-verbal relationships illustrated in tables, graphs, information maps commonly used| | | | |in content area texts | | | | | | | | | |Transcode information from linear to non-linear texts and vice-versa | | | | | | | | | |Explain illustrations from linear to non-linear texts and vice versa | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Organize information illustrated in tables, graphs and maps | | |Quarter 3 |Quarter 3 |Quarter 3 | | |The learner demonstrates understanding of |The learner creatively produces a |Utilize varied reading strategies to process information in a text | | |varied reading approaches to make sense and |digital chart of various text types |Recognize the propaganda strategies used in advertisements and consider these in formulating | | |develop appreciation for the different text |with clickable features. |hypotheses | | |types. | |Distinguish between facts from opinions | | | | |Use expressions that signal opinions (e.g. seems, as I see it) | | | | |Note the function of statements made as the text unfolds and use it as a basis for predicting | | | | |what is to follow | | | | |Express emotional reactions to what was asserted or expressed in a text | | | | |Employ approaches best suited to a text | | | | | | | | | |Note the functions of statements as they unfold and consider the data that might | | | | |confirm/disconfirm hypothesis | | | | | | || | |Examine for bias | | | | | | | | | | Determine the validity and adequacy of proof statements to support assertions | | | | | | | | | |React critically to the devices employed by a writer to achieve his/her purpose | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Quarter 4 |Quarter 4 |Quarter 4 | | |The learner demonstrates understanding of how |The learner prepares an abstract of |Utilize knowledge of the differences among text types (instructional, explanatory, recount, | | |to abstract information presented in |a text read. |persuasive, informational and literary) as an aid in processing information in the selection read| | |different text types and to note explicit and | |or viewed | | |implicit signals used by the writer. | | | | | | |Assess the content and function of each statement in a text with a view of determining the | | | | |information structure of the text | | | | |Abstract information from the different text types by noting explicit and implicit signals used | | | | |by the writer | | | | |Interpret instructions, directions, notices, rules and regulations | | | | | | | | | |Locate and synthesize essential information found in any text | | | | | | | | | |Distinguish the statement of facts from beliefs. | | | | |Evaluate the accuracy of the information. | | | | |Draw conclusions from the set of details. | | | | |Point out relationships between statements. | | | | |Distinguish between general and specific statements. | |Literature |Quarter 1 |Quarter 1 |Discover literature as a means of understanding the human being and the forces he/she to contend| | |The learner demonstrates understanding of the |The learner creatively and |with | | |different genres through the types contributed|proficiently performs in a choral |Discover through literature the symbiotic relationship between man and his environment and the | | |by Afro-Asian countries to express |reading of a chosen Afro-Asian poem.|need of the former to protect the latter | | |appreciation for Afro-Asian heritage. | | | | | | |Demonstrate a heightened sensitivity to the needs of others for a better understanding of man | | | | | | | | | |Discover through literature the links between one’s life and the lives of people throughout the | | | | |world | | | | | | | | | |Highlight the need for a more just and equitable distribution of resources | | |Quarter 2 |Quarter 2 |Quarter 2 | | |The learner demonstrates understanding of how |The learner creatively compiles |Show understanding and appreciation for the different genres with emphasis on types contributed | | |significant human experiences are best |Afro-Asian literary pieces as |by Asian countries (i.e. Haiku, Tanka, etc.) | | |captured in various literary forms that |accounts of experiential learning. | | | |inspire humans to bring out the best in them. | |Point out the elements of plays and playlets | | | | | | | | | |Determine the macro discourse patterns of essays and the macro discourse signals used to | | | | |establish meaning relationships in the essay | | | | |Determine the author’s tone and purpose for writing the essay | | | | |Point out how the choice of title, space allotment, imagery, choice of words, figurative | | | | |language, etc. contribute to the theme | | | | | | | | | |Explain figurative language used | | | | |Express appreciation for sensory images in literary forms | | | | |Show understanding of the text by paraphrasing passages | | |Quarter 3 |Quarter 3 |Quarter 3 | | |The learner demonstrates understanding of the |The learner produces a critical |Discover Philippine and Afro Asian literature as a means of expanding experiences and outlook and| | |different genres to heighten literary |review of articles with the same |enhancing worthwhile universal human values | | |competence. |themes but different genres. |Express appreciation for worthwhile Asian traditions and the values they represent | | | | | | | | | |Assess the Asian identity as presented in Asian literature and oneself in the light of what makes| | | | |one an Asian | | | | | | | | | |Identify oneself with other people through literature taking note of cultural differences so as | | | | |to get to the heart of problems arising from them | | |Quarter 4 |Quarter 4 |Quarter 4 | | |The learner demonstrates understanding of how |The learner produces an e-literary |Point out the role of li terature in enabling one to grow in personhood | | |literature mirrors the realities of life and |folio which captures significant |Discriminate between what is worthwhile and what is not through literature | | |depicts human aspirations. |human experiences. |Distinguish as positive values humility, resourcefulness, self-reliance and the ability to look | | | | |into oneself, and accept one’s strengths and weaknessess | |Viewing Comprehension |Quarter 1 |Quarter 1 |Organize information extracted from a program viewed | | |The learner demonstrates understanding of the |The learner produces program | | | |different text types and genres of programs |portfolio that monitors his/her |Compare and contrast basic genres of programs viewed | | |viewed to effectively derive information and |progress as a viewer (in terms of | | | |find meaning in them |interest, preference, and |Narrate events logically | | | |reflections on individual viewing | | | | |behaviors). |Validate mental ima ges of the information conveyed by a program viewed | | | | | | | | | |Respond to questions raised in a program viewed | | |Quarter 2 |Quarter 2 |Quarter 2 | | |The learner demonstrates understanding of the |The learner effectively writes |Discern positive and negative messages conveyed by a program viewed | | |different text types and genres of programs |reactions to movies viewed. (movie | | | |viewed to effectively derive information and |review) |React appropriately and provide suggestions based on an established fact | | |find meaning in them. | | | | | |The learner presents a review of a |Decode the meaning of unfamiliar words using structural analysis | | | |program viewed. | | | | | |Follow task- based directions shown after viewing | | | | | | | | | |Interpret the big ideas/key concepts implied by the facial expressions of interlocutors | | |Quarter 3 |Quarter 3 |Quarter 3 | | |The learner demonstrates understanding of the |The learner produces a reaction |Analyze the elements that make up reality and fantasy from a program viewed | | |various analytical and evaluative techniques |paper to a program viewed. | | | |employed in c ritical viewing. | |Compare and contrast one’s own television-viewing behavior with other viewers’ viewing behavior | | | | | | | | | |Organize an independent and systematic approach in critiquing various reading or viewing | | | | |selection | | |Quarter 4 |Quarter 4 |Quarter 4 | | |The learner demonstrates understanding of how |The learner puts up a model |Recognize the principles of lay outing in viewing a material | | |viewing conventions affect the way viewers |television production incorporating | | | |grasp, interpret, and evaluate the meaning of |viewing conventions. |Explore how colors appeal to viewer’s emotions | | |a program viewed. | | | | | | |Identify basic camera angles | | | | | | | | | |Ascertain how balance created by symmetry affects visual response to a program viewed | | | | | | | | | |Differentiate between vantage points and viewing | | | | | | |Writing |Quarter 1 |Quarter 1 |Quarter 1 | | |The learner demonstrates understanding of |The learner proficiently prepares a |Accomplish forms and prepare notices | | |giving valuable personal information and |brochure on the dangers of | | | |information on social events and issues by |smoking/drugs and other social |Write the information asked for in the following forms: | | |accomplishing different forms to effectively |issues and concerns. |School forms | | |function in school and in community. . | |Bank forms | | | | The learner writes a personal |Order slips | | | |narratives. |Evaluation forms | | | | |Survey forms | | | |The learner creates a blog on the |Bills, telecom, etc. | | | |internet commenting on | | | | |social/economic issues and concerns.|Write notices (e.g. posters, slogans, advertisements that relate to social events | | | | | | | |Quarter 2 |Quarter 2 |Quarter 2 | | |The learner demonstrates understanding of the |The learner conducts an opinion |Use non-linear texts and outlines to show relationships between ideas | | |power of language structures and forms in |poll, interprets, and presents the | | | |shaping people’s reactions, perceptions, |findings having a local-based or |Transcode ideas from texts to concept maps | | |points of view, and beliefs in local, national|national issue as reference. | | | |and global communities. | |Make a write-up of ideas presented in concept maps | | | | | | | | | |Use three-step words, phrasal and sentence outlines to organize ideas | | | | | | | | | |Transcode information from linear to non-linear texts and vice versa | | | | |Employ concept mapping (circle, bubble, linear, etc.) as aids in taking down notes and organizing| | | | |ideas | | | | | | | | | |Use outlines to sum up ideas taken from texts | | | | | | | | | |Use non-linear text outlines and notes as aids in the preparation of a research paper | | |Quarter 3 |Quarter 3 |Quarter 3 | | |The learner demonstrates understanding of how |The learner produces an e-journal of|Use specific cohesive and literary devices to construct integrative literary and expository | | |to have a good command and facility of the |poetry & prose entries with emphasis|reviews, critiques, research reports, and scripts for broadcast communication texts, including | | |English Language necessary to produce writing |on content and writing style. |screenplays | | |in different genres and modes. | | | | | | |Produce different text types and sub-types | | | | | | | | | | Expand ideas in well-constructed paragraphs observing cohesion, coherence and appropriate modes | | | | |of paragraph development | | | | | | | | | |Give and respond to feedback on one’s paper in the revision process | | | | |Use grammatical structure and vocabulary needed to effectively emphasize particular points | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Use appropriate modes of paragraph development to express one’s ideas, needs, feelings and | | | | |attitudes | | | | | | | | | |Use a variety of cohesive devices to make the flow of thoughts from one sentence to another | | | | |smoothly and effortlessly | | | | | | | | | |Write short personal narratives to support an assertion | | | | | | | | | |Organize information gathered from primary and secondary sources using a graphic organizer and a | | | | |simple topic outline | | | | | | | | | |Do self and peer editing using a set of criteria | | | | | | | | | |Revise a piece of short personal writing in terms of content, style, and mechanics | | | | |collaboratively and independently. | | |Quarter 4 |Quarter 4 |Quarter 4 | | |The learner demonstrates understanding of how |The learner makes a write-up of an |Organize one’s thoughts and adopt the appropriate writing style in letters, resumes, critiques, | | |to have a good command and facility of the |interview. |etc. using appropriate styles (formal and formal)and audience in mind | | |English Language necessary to produce writing | | | | |in different genres and modes. | |Employ interactional functions of language in different genres and modes of writing (pen-pal | | | | |letters, letters of invitation, a â€Å"yes† and â€Å"no† letters, book reviews, interview write-ups, | | | | |journal entries, etc.) | | | | | | | | | |Write reflections on learning experiences in diary and journal entries | | | | | | | | | |Write summaries of books read | | | | | | | | | |Employ varied strategies (condensing, deleting, combining, embedding) when summarizing materials | | | | |read | | | | | | | | | |Write reactions to books read | | | | | | | | | |Show respect for intellectual property rights by acknowledging citations made | | | | | | | | | |Acknowledge citations by indicating in a bibliography sources used | | | | | | | | | |Use writing conventions to indicate acknowledgement of resources | | | | | | | | | |Use quotation marks or hanging indentations for direct quotes | | | | | | | | | |Use in-text citation | | | | | | | | | |Arrange bibliographic entries of text cited from books and periodicals | | | | | | | | | | | |Grammar |Quarter 1 |Quarter 1 |Quarter 1 | | |The learner demonstrates understanding of |The learner effectively writes a |Uses: | | |well-constructed paragraphs using appropriate |personal narrative or informative |varied adjective complementation | | |modes of development and language structures |text. |appropriate idioms, collocations, and fixed expression | | |to express one’s ideas, needs, feelings and | |coordinators | | |attitudes |The learner proficiently writes a |subordinators | | | |description of a process. |other appropriate devices for emphasis | | |The learner demonstrates understanding of how | |Formulates: | | |language is instrumental in communicating | |correct complex and compound-complex sentences | | |thoughts, and feelings. | |correct conditional statements | | | | |appropriate parenthetical expressions | | | | | | | | | |meaningful expanded sentence (following balance, parallelism, and modification) | | |Quarter 2 |Quarter 2 |Quarter 2 | | |The learner demonstrates understanding of how |The learner composes a meaningful |Uses: | | |grammatically correct sentences ensure an |and grammatically correct |varied adjective complementation | | |effective discourse. |composition. |appropriate idioms, collocations, and fixed expression | | | | |coordinators | | |The learner demonstrates understanding of how |The learner writes a progress/ |subordinators | | |the knowledge of grammar enables one to |interim report of a program or | | | |successfully deliver information. |advocacy |other appropriate devices for emphasis | | | | |formulates: | | | | |correct complex and compound-complex sentences | | | | |correct conditional statements | | | | |appropriate parenthetical expression | | | | | | | | | |meaningful expanded sentence (following balance, parallelism, and modification) | | |Quarter 3 |Quarter 3 |Quarter 3 | | |The learner demonstrates understanding of how | |Uses: | | |the use of Standard English conventions |The learner creatively produces a |varied adjective complementation | | |facilitates interaction and transaction. |tourist guide brochure |appropriate idioms, collocations, and fixed expression | | | | |coordinators | | | | |subordinators | | | | | | | | | |other appropriate devices for emphasis | | | | |formulates: | | | | |correct complex and compound-complex sentences | | | | |correct conditional statements | | | | |appropriate parenthetical expressions | | | | | | | | | |meaningful expanded sentence (following balance, parallelism, and modification) | | |Quarter 4 |Quarter 4 |Quarter 4 | | |The learner demonstrates understanding of the |The learner innovatively presents an|Uses: | | |set of structural rules that govern various |Ad promoting a government bill or a |varied adjective complementation | | |communication situations. |city ordinance. |appropriate idioms, collocations, and fixed expression | | | | |coordinators | | | | |subordinators | | | | | | | | | |other appropriate devices for emphasis | | | | |formulates: | | | | |correct complex and compound-complex sentences | | | | |correct conditional statements | | | | |appropriate parenthetical expressions | | | | | | | | | |meaningful expanded sentence (following balance, parallelism, and modification) | |Attitude towards language, |Quarter 1 | | | |literacy and literature |Ask sensible questions on his/her initiative | | | |(Subsumed in all domains) | | | | | |Quarter 2 | | | | |Express a different opinion without being | | | | |difficult | | | | |Quarter 3 | | | | |Give credence to well-though out ideas | | | | |Quarter 4 | | | | |Set new goals for learning on the basis of | | | | |self- assessment made | | | |Study Strategies |Quarter 1 |Quarter 1 |Quarter 1 | |(Subsumed in Reading, |The learner demonstrates understanding of how |The learner creatively writes an |Gather data using library and electronic resources consisting of general references: atlas, | |Literature, and Writing) |to gather data using library and electronic |interesting Cultural Report. |periodical index, periodicals and internet sources/ other websites to locate information | | |resources to locate information that bring | |Use periodical index to locate information in periodicals | | |about diversity and/or harmony among Afro – | |Gather data using the general references: encyclopedia, dictionary | | |Asians through the study of their traditions | |Get and assess current information from newspaper and other print and non-print media | | |and beliefs. | | | | |Quarter 2 |Quarter 2 |Quarter 2 | | |The learner demonstrates understanding of how | The learner produces research |Acknowledge citations by preparing the bibliography of the various sources used | | |proper citations of references and materials |appendices following the correct |Observe correct format in bibliographical entries | | |used establish the credibility of a report or |citation entries and format |Use writing conventions to indicate acknowledgement of sources | | |a research paper. | | | | |Quarter 3 |Quarter 3 |Quarter 3 | | |The learner demonstrates understanding of how|The learner produces a clip report |Derive information from various text types and sources using the card catalog, vertical file, | | |information gathering skills and data |on the various sources of data |index, microfiche (microfilm) CD ROM, internet etc. | | |collection strategies ensure quality research|collected |Use locational skills to gather and synthesize information from general and first-hand sources | | | | |of information | | | | |Get vital information from various websites | | | | |Extract accurately the required information from sources read and viewed to reject irrelevant | | | | |details | | |Quarter 4 |Quarter 4 |Quarter 4 | | |The learner demonstrates understanding of how|The learner produces a research |Use multi step word and phrasal outlines to organize ideas | | |the employment of study strategies coupled |paper based on school/ community |Engage in systematic conduct of a research by going through series of pr ocesses | | |with research skills lead to a well-written |problem. |Organize logically information gathered | | |paper | |Apply the correct treatment of data and the soundness of research conclusion.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Quantitative and Qualitative research (Dose clothes price influence Paper

Quantitative and Qualitative (Dose clothes price influence Cambridge EF student to purchase) - Research Paper Example Stating precisely, as per the recent trend, the clothing price is getting cheaper than the previous trends. Correspondingly, in order to examine this notion, the students from the EF studies of Cambridge region will be observed in this study as subjects to answer the question as to whether they are being influenced by the clothing price. The prime objective of the study is to analyse the recent prices of clothes in the area of Cambridge region in contrast with the trend observed around the globe. Besides, the study will also evaluate the extent to which, the recent clothing price has been affecting the purchasing power of EF students from the Cambridge region, based on the hypothesis developed below. In the recent scenario, dressing style has become an important matter for the young generation, which is considered as a mechanism of imprinting one’s personality and superiority from their counterparts in the society. Observably, a large number of clothing or textiles companies have been paying more attention towards delivering quality services providing fashionable clothes to its consumers, based on their tastes and preferences. According to Allwood & et. al. (2006), the modern day clothing materials are getting cheaper, increasing scope for innovation in the industry dimensions. Notably, the modern trend clothing style is recognised as more fashionable rather than expensive and diverse, which indicates the perception of its users to differentiate themselves from others within the society. Allwood & et. al. (2006) further elaborated that in the year of 2000, aggregated consumer expenditure amounted at around US$1 trillion that also indicates the expanding boundaries of the industry. Above all, it signifies the changing perceptions and notions amid the consumers of the clothing industry, which on a wider realm, may exhibit the transformations witnessed within

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Sex and Teenagers Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Sex and Teenagers - Research Paper Example Conversely, some of humanity’s earliest attempts at science and philosophy were naturally religious and social in origin. As a direct function of this, it becomes clearly obvious that the extent to which culture and religion impacts upon a society with regards to defining appropriate mores of psychological development are not by nature inherently good or bad; rather, they merely exhibited an outdated and oftentimes faulty form of defining and constraining human development and behavior. One of the most sensitive forms of human development and behavior that can be discussed is with regards to sexual development. Due to the litany of different approaches, both liberal and exceedingly conservative, that exist concerning sexual development, it comes as no surprise that the level of deviation that exists between cultures the scientific communities, and different religious perspectives is extraordinarily broad. Through such an analysis, and more appropriate definition of sexual deve lopment within the teenage years, it is the hope of this author that the reader will be able to come to a more profound understanding of why many of the cultural norms and mores are able to impact individuals with regards the way in which sexuality and development is viewed by these stakeholders. Without question the society that we live in is one that is highly affected by marketing, media, and the representation of culture that we the individual is bombarded within on a daily level. Countless scores of research projects have been performed on the way in which individual integrate with these marketing ploys, the degree to which they allow marketing to affect their lives, and the percentage of income that such efforts are able to siphon off the viewer. Although this is a fascinating topic and doubtless deserves an even greater degree of analysis due to the fact that it segments many interrelated sectors of

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Gospel of Matthew and Gospel of John Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Gospel of Matthew and Gospel of John - Essay Example Gospel of Matthew reveals the substance of Teaching.Here Jesus' image is of a Messiah King,Anointed One, Son of God, Kingdom of God, etc.with an emphasize on Jesus' kingly rule and divine authority. Jesus' image is drawn through His authority over nature with the means of miracles, authority over sin by forgiving, and authority over death through the resurrection. This starts with the depiction to be as descendant of King David with the miracle birth story. The historical correctness about the lineage presents Jesus more with human aspects and less with the incarnation. The most apparent is the factthat Jesus' image is consistent with the Gospels of Mark and Luke with a dependency upon history. "Matthew collected the sayings of Jesus in the Hebrew tongue." Taking liberty with the historical framework, the Gospel of John,presents a unique perspective varying not only from the Gospel of Matthew but also from theother remaining gospels. The interpretation is presented with spiritual theme rather than the historical events. With differentiation this provides with John's unique record of his first hand accounts of experiences with Jesus during His life on earth beginning with His identification as "the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world." Just in the second chapter Jesus performs His first miracle by converting water into wine; and also He predicts His resurrection. Jesus' image is built with vivid lessons, instructions, and the priorities of life using many parables tolearn from effectively. Jesus explains the significance of having a relationship with Him with true difference in life, in addition to the importance of living life on earth and determining our eternal destiny after death. Here, He is a Jewish Messiah. John subs tantiates His purpose and the reason He was sent to earth by God. Jesus' persona clarifies the truth about God, eternity, and making a choice to accept Him as our personal Savior. He becomes flesh and makes His dwelling among us. He came to earth in human form by stooping to the human level with a vision of dying a physical death for taking away our sins. From the beginning John's Jesus was with God, and Jesus was God. Jesus is the key to membership in God's family. Matthew's ministry of Jesus is restricted only to Galilee with Jerusalem trip in the end; whereas for John that is full of traveling with diverse locations. John's Jesus issupposed to be questioned; some explanation is released upon question. Whereas Matthew' Jesus is the preacher with the conclusion without a need of clarification. Both depictions conjure up Jesus to be the God; but Matthew's Jesus reflects a journey from human to God, while John's Jesus remains God throughout. Matthew's presentation is of a human form, initially, that later on develops into the vast personification of God; Johns' presentation is of the God Himself since the onset taking birth as a human to help and save the people. The scenepresented in Gospel of Matthew exhibits a tendency of "no question" because He is the God. Jesus in Gospel of John, though being a divine power, helps people with explanation. Iftheformer is just a Teaching, then the later is a kind of Learning. If the former is a story of Reali zation, the later is a story of Incarnation. However, the illustration by Matthew is believed to be more correct due to being in accordance with the "original voice" and the historical actuality. The illustration of John is

Friday, July 26, 2019

Farid Ud-Din Attar. The Conference of the Birds Essay - 2

Farid Ud-Din Attar. The Conference of the Birds - Essay Example A good illustration of how the context of the story helps to clarify the meaning is shown in the case of when the hoopoe is telling the tale of a poor fisher boy whom King Mas’oud befriends. Later when the king upon casting the boy’s line successfully lands a sizeable catch, he then gives to the boy. The next day the king decides to make the boy a partner to his throne The story is taken from a religious allegory and can be interpreted probability to be a fable regarding God’s grace. However once we put the story into its real context the allegory gains more prominence. The hoopoe had just been asked by a bird why he is spiritually flourishing unlike the other birds that seem to be getting nowhere (Williams 49). The hoopoe explains that this is so because Solomon has glanced at him. The Hoopoe tells the birds that this glance is worth far more than prayer but continues to explain that this does not mean that an individual does not need to pray, but rather one should continue to pray continuously until Solomon glances at him. In this story of the fisher boy, we see that the boy has been unceasingly fishing (in the same spot every day, which represents the spiritual â€Å"fishing† of constant prayer (Williams 51). According to the Hoopoes previous explanation, the king’s visit is the glance of Solomon. This story is mostly demonstrative of individual effort and grace plus the reality that both are indispensable for spiritual advancement (Davis, 8). The point of a tale may at times seem rather elusive at the first reading; therefore, it is advisable to read it again or to refer to some previous text to remind you what the question being answered by the hoopoe is. This case with the stories resembles the story of the king and the fisher boy from which we got our excerpt. Throughout the poem, two themes in particular are intricately interwoven into the very fiber of the poem. These are the need to destroy the Self, and the weight

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Practical Implication of Balance Scorecard on Essay

Practical Implication of Balance Scorecard on - Essay Example In their studies, they described the balanced scorecard as a management system for strategic planning that enables both profit and non-profit-organisations to state clearly their visions and underlying strategies and then transform them into actions. Smith (2005) in his studies described the balanced scorecard as a performance management tool that is used by organisations to align their activities along with their strategy and vision, secondly, to improve external and internal communication of the organisations and thirdly to monitor performance against the sets goals/ objectives. The report will use the Apple Inc as the case study and it is of essence to note that Apple Inc is largely an information and technology company that mainly specializes in designing, manufacturing, and selling of computer hardware and software, and consumer electronics such as personal computers, phones and television pads, among others. The company presently, has its headquarters at the state of California in the United States of America but it has a wide branch network of over 300 stores located in 14 countries across the world. According to OGrady (2008), Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne originally formed the company in 1976 and by 1980; the company marked a major milestone by being listed at the stock exchange. Mr. Arthur Levinson as the chairperson currently heads Apple Inc while Mr. Tim Cook is the chief executive officer of the company. The critical analysis of the critical implications of the balanced scorecard in Apple Inc will help to explain how the management system contributed to the company’s current success and how it intendeds to further propel the company into greater success. The charts below demonstrate how each of these products and others performs or sells in the market in terms of the revenue they generate, and the revenue generated by the company from different regions or markets where it has

Women and Society Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Women and Society - Assignment Example (333-340). Is the society ready to embrace the same sex marriages? The part on To Whom Much is Given, Much is Expected is an interesting one and it keeps explaining how enlightened women are constantly stereotyped as males in the society; some are even discriminated (Kirk & Okazawa-Rey 350-357). I propose that these women be appreciated and even motivated to do more in the society. In this era, the society is expected to change its perspective and even learn that women can do well just as the men have in the previous years. In Women and Men Living on the Edge, it is unfortunate how the economic strains impact the humans (Kirk & Okazawa-Rey 358-360). Worse still, the women suffer more in the case of such economic strains since they bear the burden of the children and even the entire family. The women still remain the disadvantaged group in contrast to their male counterparts. This can also be credited to their being in the private sphere at most times. In my opinion, I believe a family comprises of close persons. This does not mean that these persons need to be related by blood. If one has a very close person or friend that has always been there for their tribulations, then in my opinion, that is a family member. A family is simply a group of people with a common need, not necessarily background. I would justify the differences in pay based on an individual’s certifications. A person that is more learned needs to get a higher pay and vice versa. This is because such a person has a high level of expertise and experience in their work as opposed to a person that rarely upgrades their

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Assessment and care of a client with complex needs. Mental Health Essay

Assessment and care of a client with complex needs. Mental Health nursing] - Essay Example 15). This involves a methodical evaluation of the social and health care requirements of an individual who has been brought to the ‘specialist mental health services’ (Forster, 2001, p. 15). An important component of the CPA is the assigning of a service provider who will work with the client and his/her family or caregivers to evaluate needs, create and carry out a care plan. In the CPA service provider task, the nurse is largely involved in locating an array of assessment needs, several of which could be outside the own knowledge or capability of the nurse. Besides the troubles brought about by mental disorders, numerous clients with serious and chronic mental disorders will be further impaired by ‘secondary impairment’ (Bartlett & Sandland, 2007). This will lead to a kind of disability marked by difficulty carrying out daily tasks such as cooking, going to the grocery, using public transport, and so on. Professional assessments from service providers shou ld be requested. In nursing theory and practice, bipolar disorder is classified as one of the most complex mental health disorders. The best nursing care takes place during the acute illness stage and remission (Suppes & Dennehy, 2010). This paper presents a case study of the mental health condition of Ms. ... She eventually became tardy. Her performance at work began to deteriorate. Ms. M herself admitted that she has difficulty concentrating at work. She also said that she feels lost and lonely at times. Her sleep patterns also became abnormal. She sleeps late but wakes up very early. But, interestingly, she began to show more enthusiasm and energy in the morning. Her sister reported that Ms. M became short-tempered all of a sudden and has been, for the first time, openly expressing her desire to become a model. Ms. M was diagnosed with depression and alcohol related problems. Ms. M’s mental health condition may be caused by genetics or environmental factors. A depressive episode may take place without any clear cause. It could be that something stressful in Ms. M’s immediate environment caused the sudden changes in her behaviour; it could be a stressful event at work or at home. A medical condition can also cause episodes of depression, such as brain tumour or stroke (Vide beck, 2010). According to Boyd (2008), use of substance and consumption of alcohol may also activate symptoms of depression. Case Analysis The symptoms of Ms. M are indicative of bipolar disorder. An individual episode of abnormal and chronic irritable mood. During Ms. M’s episodes of mood disorder, the following symptoms of bipolar disorder have continued: difficulty concentrating; more conversational than normal; excessive energy and enthusiasm; abnormal sleeping patterns; and increased confidence (e.g. desire to enter modeling). The mood disorder is quite serious to cause noticeable disruption in occupational performance or in personal relationships. The symptoms may be triggered by alcohol related problems. Because bipolar disorder often includes depressive and manic episodes, knowledge of

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Unit 5 discussion Exploring 1960 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Unit 5 discussion Exploring 1960 - Research Paper Example Peace, love, and brotherhood were the mantra of the American Hippie. The hippie movement (subculture) cut across almost every sphere of American life, inclusive of political, social, and traditional beliefs. The Hippie movement was a broad subculture that significantly altered the fabric of American culture and society (Callan, 2006). In some way, Hippies altered the fashion, music, and lifestyle of America. The group revolutionized people’s perception on taboo subjects such as sex, as it broadly perceived sex identities and desires as something to be explored rather than being contained. Neo-Nazism is a general term incorporating aspects such as fascist, nationalist, white supremacist, anti-Semitic beliefs, and political tendencies seeking to revive the Nazi order or establish fresh order grounded in doctrines similar to those underpinning Nazi Germany. The counterculture movement has a strong resemblance with white nationalist and white power skinhead movements (Lewis, 1996). Neo-Nazism is predominant in nationalist far-right parties such as National Alliance and radicalized versions of protestantism. The movement demonstrates hate towards minorities, gays and lesbians and pursues the establishment of fascist political states. Neo-Nazism counterculture incorporates politically incorrect ideologies such as militant nationalism, homophobia, racism, xenophobia, racism, and anti-Semitism. Counterculture refers to a cultural group whose values and norms are in conflict with those of the social mainstream (Gay, 1997). Neo-Nazism is a counterculture because its ideologies such as xenophobic nationalism and National Socialism are at odds with the mainstream social ideals, besides most of its ideals are explicitly outlawed by constitutions and criminal laws of many

Monday, July 22, 2019

Elevator Failures in Housing for the Elderly Essay Example for Free

Elevator Failures in Housing for the Elderly Essay The advent of multi-stored housing apartments that can be of up to 30 stores imply that any one who has a problem standing or being in elevators for a long time may be forced to seek alternatives which in most cases are non existent. However, the use of elevators should not have been a worry if only they were well functioning and regularly serviced (Fernandez 2008). According to residents, taking a lift is a risk in that they are prone to breakdowns and in most cases it is only one of the up to four lifts that is functional (Fernandez 2008). Some buildings have elevators that breakdown so often that one would rather do without them. The elderly due to their reduced performance are worst affected by the problem; most of them have health problems that do not allow for strenuous activities like walking up storied building (Fernandez 2008). According to a resident at Kingsborough apartment, the problem is compounded by the slowness with which mechanics respond in cases of emergencies (Fernandez 2008). Mechanics take up to nine hours to respond to cases of emergency regarding elevators. Some residents have lost their limbs in efforts to escape from jammed lifts while the loss of time that elevator complications lead to cannot be quantified (Fernandez 2008). Others have lost their lives trying to escape the confines of jammed elevators. Though residences fail elevator inspection test, nothing is being done about the failures; the death of an 89 year old woman which is partly blamed on elevator failure has not even raised concern on the issue (Fernandez 2008). Being stuck in elevators for up to 20 minutes an hour is common and most folks casually chat about it (Fernandez 2008). 151 elevators failures were recorded by Kingsborough extensions in 2007-2008; a record breaking figure for a housing development for the elderly (Fernandez 2008).

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Analysis of organization British airways

Analysis of organization British airways The details about the organization overview and organization process of the British airways. First it look at the company profile and history of the organization including organization chart to give overview of the organization it focus on the organization process like (1) changes within the organization (2) organizational culture (3) Recruitment, Training, Job placement and promotion policy. How these process are related and affected to each other. Finally, it will give recommendations for the organizations to deal with organizational process in future. Company profile: British Airways is the UKs largest international scheduled airways, which provides international domestic services for cargo and cargo. British airways which are approximately compromise 150 destinations in 75 countries. It includes Asia, Africa, North and Eastern Europe (plus the Eastern Mediterrean), Western Europe, North America, Central and Latin America (plus Sweden). The head quarter of the British airways is located in London. Gatwick airport and London Heathrow airport is the main hubs for British airways. British airways had more than 280 aircrafts, which is mainly for boeing jets and Airbus and it has more than 40,000 employees to work for a company (Hoovers 2006). Organizational chart: The structure of the organization is fat type because it has one level of hierarchy that separates the directors at top from bottom line employees. (Buchanan D. Huczynski A., 2004). Mr. Willaiam and M. Walsh is the head of the company, presently he are working as a chief executive. The British airways organization departments are includes planning, Engineering, Flight operation, Investment and Alliances, IT, Law, Finance, HR, Ground operations. History of British airways: British airways and imperial airline are merged together at the beginning of Second World War. The two airlines formed new subsidy companies. This is British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC) to operate short haul service in Europe (Papadogiannis, 2006). In 1980 British airways ran in the financial problems and Sir John King (CEO) was appointed to handle privatization and it was succeeded in 1987. (Datamonitor 2005). Objectives of British airways: Like all the business one of their first main objectives was to maximizing profits. However after September 11th they had to change their aim to having an increasingly in security and they needed to keep their customers safe. Objectives to increase profit by the end of the tax year 2009: A British airway is planning to increase profit by the end of the tax year 2009 than the last year profit. The last year profit was  £694 million. Annual reports of 2006/2007 shows that they had 148.3 million customers are within the UK. They need to monitor regularly the customers amount that they fly with them. Perhaps giving such as offerings on certain flights to increase their promotions. Changes within the organizations: The factors of the organizational change can be categorized into two factors. (1) External trigger and (2) Internal trigger. The first factor External trigger is innovations of competitors, requirements, and changes in customers, government policies and legislations. The second factor is Internal trigger it includes appointment of a new senior manager, new product and service design innovations, new ideas about how to deliver services to customers. (Buchanan D. Huczynski A., 2004). By the external and internal trigger have impacts on British airways, the company is responded by initiating privatization program to change ownership from government to private sector. According to Lewins change, changes within the organizations will occur in 3 stages. The first stage is unfreezing. The second stage is Movement to develop new behavior. And the third stage is Refreezing which is stabilizing change at the new level (Mullins, J., L., 1999) Human Resource Management policies in world airline industry: For the past 15 years there has been undergoing the research on the human resource policies and competencies differentiating the business performance. Companies are looking for the ways to gain a competitive advantages and the implication of human resource policy choices for companies performance is certainly to the key factor recently researches of the business strategy turned their attention into international attributes of the top companies looking at the industry is likely to evolve; and the way how that the evolution can be exploited to earn a profit. The greater and the extent to which of these assumptions and hypothesis are reflects accurately. The international airline and hypothesis is currently following with the similar trends. HRM policies in British airways: Human resource management policies are followed by the British airways in 1980s before and after privatization by the British government. When the British airways are in public ownership it had been unprofitable in the financial year of 1981/82 and it suffered in a severe financial loss. Following the market research showing that the airlines passengers were dissatisfied with its service. In 1982 British airways launched on extensive campaign called putting people first for all of 12000 staffs who had direct contact with customers. Up to 150 staffs at a time from baggage handlers to engineers and pilots took a part in servicing customers and later the campaign were extended so that eventually all of British airways staffs attended one of the events. Customers first teams were set up to look at the ways to improving customer service. Memberships of the team cuts across to the organizational boundaries with staff from different sections are working together for the ten years later 75 of the teams were still actively working. On 1990s British airways had come to focus on key performance indicators as a principle tool for managing staff. These were six such indicators for its managers: leaderships, communication business competence, managing performance, valuing others and customer focus. These are the basis of decisions about the manager selection pay and performance management. Further market research shows that the customers satisfaction with the quality of British airways service has increased. Since British airways moved to spectacular profit from financial loss over the period when these initiatives took place (in 1995 February recorded profits reported of  £443 million with total passenger of 23.7 million, and it had 65600 staffs are early 2000). The human resource initiation of its financial success has been partly attributed. However it should be noted that some of the problems are lingered. In common with all the airlines are operating to the transatlantic routes of the attack on the world trade center in September 2001. Despite in Human resource management initiatives of a staff survey in 1992 shows that the staff rates British airways poorly as the employer for sustaining a work environment that attracts develops committed employees and retains. British airways also lost a damaging strike following an attempt to impose a new pay deal on its staf f without negotiation in the mid of 1997. British airways Raises Retirement Age: On 24th march 2006, British airways change its New Aircrafts Pension Scheme (NAPS). For the recent joiners, including chief executive Willie Walsh who joined in 2005 May, British airways Retirement Plan (BARP) has been available. The New Airways Pension Scheme (NAPS) has 33,794 active members, 15,185 pensions and 20,269 deferred. There is no increase in staff contribution values for the final salary pension scheme in British airways earned. But, there will be the changes under the new proposals to members benefits relating to future service. Key changes to future services are: For cabin crew members normal retirement age raised from 55 to 60 years initially. For pilots normal retirement age raises from 55 to 60-65 years. Such countries like USA and France remove the restriction on older pilots overflying them. Pensionable pay increases not more than the inflation. On retirement capped pension increases every year at 2.5 percent. Chief executive Mr. Willie Walsh said, this is the solution that will provide for the future affordable pensions. The airline will make a payment of  £ 500 million into fund after the changes accepted. The company will have paid towards the past deficit by December 2006 on top of the  £ 350 million. Mr. Walsh added: The future benefits are changes to members will reduce the anticipated deficit by the  £ 480 million. And also they may able to make contributions for future service can afford. British airways cut management jobs: On 30th November 2005- British airways announced plans to re-structure the business on March 2008 by cut 35% (357). This includes: Reduction of 50% from 414 jobs to 207 on senior managers. And reduction of 30% from 1,301 to 911 on middle level management jobs. British airways chief executive Willie Walsh said that when we reported our second quarter financial results last month that our costs were needed to re-energies our efforts to deliver a competitive cost base. The management job reductions are intended to reduce British airways costs by  £ 50 million as part of its  £ 300 million to cost reduction program on 2007 march. The number of senior manager reduction will be phased: 23% (94) of top executives left the business on 31st March 2006. After the next two years more jobs go with the 50% target to achieve on 2008 March. On March 2006 30% reduction in middle manager should be developed and communicated. British airways are going to cut jobs for cabin crew and introduce two year freeze pay. British airways were lost  £ 401 million last year and they announce earlier last month that they would need to cut 2,000 full time jobs. During the recession the British airways instead press ahead with plans to recruit news staffs on different terms and conditions to the current employees in an attempt to save costs. On 25th June 2009, British airways announced almost 7,000 British airways staffs has volunteered to take unpaid leave, voluntary pay or part time working cuts as part of companys plans to cut costs. British airways chief executive Willie Walsh said, It is a fantastic first response. I want to thank everyone who has volunteered to help us to pull through this difficult period. Walsh himself has agreed to not to take salary during the July month. The latest news of the British airways is British airways staffs are unwillingly agreed to work in new schedules with reduced staffed pending. British airways are presently battle with the unions over changes to jabs and pay. They want to cut cabin crew staffs on long-haul flights from 15 to 14, this changes imposed from 16th of November. Privatization in British airways: A British airway has a change within its organization which is privatization project in 1980s. The company faced the financial problem at that time. The long term debt which is more than  £ 1 billion, and the British government not willing to give public money to wipe out companys debt because of the criticism fear. Then for these reasons British airways decided to make changes within the organization. (Shibata, K., 1993). This privatization made the British airways to change many things in the organization such as mission statement, corporate culture, and organizational structure and so on. Retirement, Training, Job placement, Promotion policy: British airways were considered to be bureaucratic, awkward, inefficient and large in the past. According to privatization, it changed corporate culture from militaristic and bureaucratic to market-driven and service oriented which it made the company to effective in the airline industry. (Poole, R., 1988). These changes which are also involve in HR policy as following. Recruitment, job placement policy: Recruitment and job placement policy are involved in Refreezing stage to Lewins model. According to the stage, British airways have to stabilize the changes and make the behavioral pattern in the organization. British airways needed improve and redesign the recruitment policy and the process in order to increase the new employees who is able to share organizational new value system and management style. (Goodstein., D., L., Burke, W., W., 1991). To achieving these objectives, British airways changed the job placement policy and recruitment which is supported by the diversity concept and equity to identify the right candidates to fit in a new system. Employee recruitment scheme and process: In recruitment and job placement policy, British airways developed recruitment methodology it is looking at the competencies including skills, knowledge and behavior using these competency based interviews made British airways to ensure those candidates will be in success in their jobs and they will fit in to the new organizational system. Selecting right people to work in business field, British airways needs to focus on strong leadership qualities, high motivation, team working skills, passion for customer service and so on (British airways 2006). There for, British airways developed assessment methods in job placement and recruitment process for senior level positions and new entry-level such as the interviews, presentations, role play, group exercises, fact finding psychometric tests (British airways 2006). Training and promotion policy: Privatization transformed British airways to more service airline industry that emphasize on servicing customer. According to unfreezing stage, British airways had stop to introduce new behavior and present pattern and culture of employees. So British airways launched new training program is putting people first for the bottom line employees. And for management-level-employees British airways has introduced a training program Managing people first (Goodstein., D., L., Burke., W., W., 1991). Putting people first program According to corporate goal British airways wanted to be The worlds favorite airline in airline industries. At the time of privatization British airways changed them self to be marker-led company rather than a process-driven company as it had in the past. Putting people first training program is aim to create employees awareness of competition, market place, and to educate employee to know the awareness of team work. As a result of this training program make the organization to reach goal in order to be best and most successful company in the airline industry (Street, M., 1994). Managing people first program: In the second stage of changes in British airways, they needed to bring vision of top management into his employee. For the management level of employees they were implemented during this stage was the special training program Managing people first. The module of the special training program includes support team, training, active senior management participation, multi source feedback and linked performance appraisal system. After participating the management level training program made British airways to have a new leadership to focus on servicing customer and this key factors in better customer retention and it increase more revenue (Tosti, T., D. Jackson, F., S., 2006). Employee promotion policy: British airways changed to private company successfully in 1987, because of one factor that facilitated changes in organization which is Employee promotion policy. British airways used promotion policy to top management levels to promote employee who was the role model of the new British airways values in higher level. This strategy was used to promote employees in top management levels to value in organization. (Goodstein., D., L. Burke, W., W., 1991). Organizational culture: Organizational culture is to consider each organization to how the things are doing around here because each and every organization has different values, belief and different culture. But we can easily explain about the organization culture is the collections of traditions, attitudes, policies, beliefs and values. (Mullins, 1999). Culture changes in British airways: For the organization culture is very important for setting creating tradition and organizations internal and external environments are change, an organization must adapt its present culture and in the order to survive the industry (Salama, A. Easterby-Smith, M., 1994). Recommendations: It is not easy for any organization; it is a general acceptance to make changes into structure and systems. Sometimes leads to have a resistance from its employees to make any changes in the organization. There are four reasons of resistance to organization change from employee including 1) Misunderstanding and lack of trust, 2) Low tolerance for change, 3) Contradictory assessments, 4) Parochial self-interest. (Buchanan D. Huczynski A., 2004). British airways try to change behavior both in organizational level and individuals, such as changing the management style from participative and authoritative. Sometimes new behavior or pattern makes employees to unfamiliar and awkward that it can make them to slip and reject back to the comfortable pattern instead. British airways needed to have more participation in the management decision; but it difficult decision arises; it may not be possible to get it difficult decision arises; it may not be possible to get a consensus decision. (Good stein., D., L. Burke, W., W., 1991). In the British airways history, British airways used tactics to manage resistance and conflicts mostly were HR policy such as training policy. The effective tool to educate employee is HR policy and convenience them to comply with new system. For example, to many new competitors emerged to overcome during 1990s with incumbents in the airline industry such as Easyjet and Ryanair. The CEOs of British airways declared the organization may need the second revolution. British airways tied with American airlines by sourcing new alliance to reducing labor cost in both core staff and non-core staff by recruiting newly hired employees on lower pay to replace the existing staffs, and restructuring payment system. And some of the employees felt that is unsecured and unfair on their jobs. (Wilkinson, A. Grugulis, I., 2002). Many of the organizations including British airways desire to make the changes in their organization when problem arise and they make changes successfully in the less conflict way and harmless. In the past, British airways used often HR tool such as recruitment, training policy and manpower planning to reduce assistance and facilitate changes in organization. Another way to changes in organization is change agent the change agent is a person who leads the project change by planning, researching and building business support. (Bhardwaj, M., 2003). Change agent is an external consultant that the organization hires her/him to take the responsibilities for a specific project. (Buchanan D, Huczynski A., 2004). But the internal consultants have narrow view and more bias. The external agent is another way to handle the project change effectively. Conclusion: A British airway has a long history regarding the organizational changes in the worlds leading airline industry. British airways adapt itself such as value, belief, corporate culture and company mission to improve the organizations performance because of external and internal pressure. HR policy is the most popular tool to handle and facilitate changes and resistance in the organizational. A British airway is successful in privatization in 1987; but during that time there was a strike occurred, which gave an expensive lesson to British airways in 1990s. Finally, organization to facilitate changes is to use change agent which is better to external consultants better than the internal consultants.

Comparing Finance Motivation With Non-finance Motivation

Comparing Finance Motivation With Non-finance Motivation Motivation is willing to exert high level of toward organizational goals, condition the capability to meet some people need. (Hall. et al., 2008: 374) According to some business analysis, employee motivation is a good method to improve the productivity of organization. While people get motivation, they will have a reason to put more energy on what they are doing. (Echeat, 2005) Consequently motivation is an important management tool that lifted the work team ability. Therefore, this article will discusses what kind of method is more suitable to motivate employees and reason. There are a considerable number of different ways to motivate employees, including financial motivation and non-financial motivation. Motivate staff must determine which is financial motivation or non-financial motivation. This will depend on which factors have contributed to staff, in addition, it may also be the companys budgetary constraints and cannot compensate for any increase in salaries or bonuses, therefore, non-financial incentives are required to submit. Low-wage workers may dissatisfy with their work, as a result, the non-financial incentives will not be an effective motivation. Consequently, it is important to find a balance between them. Although the financial motivation has little value, most firms still use money as a main incentive. There are a variety of payment systems that a company use to motivate staff. For example wages and salaries, piece-rate, fringe benefits, free house, the educational fee of children, the cars, the credit card and share ownership which provided by the companies. (Hall. et al., 2008:381) Taylor scientific management motivation had stated that employees were heavily linked financial factor to meet their maximum gain, people acted individual, not grouped, and people acted like machine. For a pair day payment related to piece work could maximum employees potential ability and motivated and high payment in return. (Hall. et al., 2008:375) Money is the most direct way of motivate employees. People will think about salary when are looking for a job. For instance, there are 17,300 employees accept financial incentives in stock and bonuses. As a result, HBOS also accept cash reward system after merger. Each of HBOSs 65,000 employees will awarded free shares worth between  £500 and  £3,000 and totaling  £70 million. Workers will also benefit from two staff share pounds. Staff worked hard who after got money award. Moreover, to follow the HBOS shares went up more than 56% over the last three years. (BBC News, 2007) Consequently, according to the case, it not only reveals the money has encouraged, but also it is a kind of important incentive way. Financial motivation make a significant improvement on companys performance, non financial motivation also plays a key role during the continuous development. There are four kinds of main methods of non-financial motivation, including job enrichment, job enlargement, team working and empowerment. Job enrichment means enable workers to be more interested in challenging and complex task. Workers should have the opportunity to complete a work unit as a whole rather than individual task. This method can stimulate job enlargement or job rotation, because it increases the complexity and challenging, rather than provide diversification simply. Secondly, Job enlargement is simply give workers more tasks to do, just like a similar nature and complexity. Teamwork, that is to say employees in the group or team work. In the team work, a person can more easily establish friendships and have a sense of belonging to a whole, a unit or group. Team work has other advantages too. Team work can lead to greater production flexibility, employees may be multi-skilled (and can do more than one persons work), because they learn from other team members or a formal job rotation. It means that they can cover any absence from work; they can quickly adapt to new production technologies. Finally, give the power or authority to staff so that they can decide how to finish their work. (tutor2u, 2010) Even though the money may be an incentive to work; at work, payment does not change the way people pay more. Staffs need an incentive to combine. That is why the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) offers so many non-financial incentives to improve personal life. RBS is one of the most important powers of the employees which is the good performance of the level of progress. RBS encourage citizens make it happen through the personal development. It means that RBS encourages staff to grow and develop their skills and abilities. This in turn help RBS change to a company. Employees agree development needs with line manager in their annual performance evaluation. This is recorded in the personal development plan. Development may involve more training so as to acquire new knowledge and skills. This can improve their promotion prospects, and allow employees to improve the organization and their total rewards. (thetimes100, 2010) Consequently, In RBS, employees enjoy Total Reward-A specific wages a nd benefits far beyond salary. It offers each staff not only just money, but also a personal choice, just as working hours and safety. In conclusion, in the view of financial cost there are two variety companies. One with less number of employees so that managers can easily supervise and control. Company can use finance motivate employees who does not need through evaluation process. Another one is a large company which has a significant number of employees. Managers cannot pay attention to every employee; therefore, they can encourage active employees to work by non-financial motivation. Because no company is interested in paying high capital as a reward for their employees. Relative to non-finance motivation, it is a good choice. In my view, non-financial motivation is suitable for both large enterprises and small firms, I suggest that company could use non-financial motivation to encourage staff, because not only does it widely applicated but also save money. Reference BBC News (2007) (online) Staff benefit from HBOS profits (Access date: March 16, 2010) Echeat (2005) (online) Motivating Employees in the Workplace (Access date: March 16, 2010) Hall.D, R.Jones, C.Raffo and A.Anter (2008) Business Studies 4th education, Harlow, Essex, Pearson Education (Access date: March 16, 2010) Tutor2u (2009) (online) Motivating employees financial rewards (Access date: March 16, 2010) Tutor2u (2009) (online) Motivating employees non financial rewards (Access date: March 16, 2010) Thetimes100 (2010) (online) Motivation at RBS Total Reward (Access date: March 16, 2010)

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Guns and Teen Violence and Death Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Ess

Each year, guns end the lives of thousands of young people. Families and friends are left to cope with the loss of a life lived and to have a future overshadowed by the violence. Nearly 80% of all teenage deaths are the result of violence like homicides, suicides motor vehicle crashes and other unintentional injury( â€Å"Risk and Protective†).Teenage violence has gone up almost 300% in the last thirty years (â€Å"Teenage Violence in America†,1) and it is still rising. In 1998, among youth ages 10 to 19 in the United States, there were 2,601 homicide deaths, and homicide was the second leading cause of death for the age group (â€Å" Youth Violence Statistics†). Also in 1999, 1,763 youth under 18 were arrested for homicide in the United States ( â€Å"Youth Violence Statistics†). After reading these two statistics there is only one conclusion you could come to. Our young people today are out of control. Teenagers have our world in the palm of their hand and they are slowly destroying our wonderful communities all around the world. It is now generally believed that multiple factors combine to contribute to and shape behavior over the course of adolescent development. Studies suggest it is the confluence to certain â€Å"risk† factors that contribute to violent behavior and the existence of certain â€Å"protective† factors that create resiliency. Risk factors are generally defined as scientifically established factors or determinants for which there is strong objective evidence of causal relationship to a problem. Protective factors are those that potentially decrease the likelihood of engaging in risky behaviors. Both of these factors can influence the level of risk an indicial experience or can moderate the relationship between the risk and the outcome of behavior (â€Å"Risk and Protective Factors†). Researchers have come up with what they call The Ecological Model. In these model there are four levels of factors that they say contributes to the behavior of an individual (â€Å"Risk and Protective†). The first level is Environmental. This level plays an important role in creating conditions that can contribute to a culture of violence among a particular group of people or in given community (â€Å"Risk and Protective†). The environmental factors are those that consider larger issue such as social values and the impact of the media policy of... was an interview with a man whose son was just killed. In the interview the reporter said â€Å"You know, you did everything right. Your son went to the best school. He was an athlete and a scholar. He had a scholarship for college. He was well liked by everyone and he did everything right yet he was killed.† The man then looked up and he said â€Å"I forgot to do one thing. I forgot to raise the other children† ( Prothrow, 2). After I read that I just wanted to cry. Parents are taking the blame for their children’s death when they should not be. A parent can only do so much and it is up to that child to choose how to use what their parents gave them. Every parent in America should realize that as long as they are doing their part it is not their fault. It is not a parent’s responsibility to raise the whole world. It is just their responsibility to raise their own and do a good job with that. To prevent teen violence, there are many obstacles that must be overcome. Children need to be brought up in a safe healthy environment. We need to emphasize youth and community evolvement and we need to have classes to teach out children responsibility and confidence.

Friday, July 19, 2019

A Thousand Differences :: Sociology, Social Norms

The world today is full of so many cultures. Each one drastically different from the other and equipped with their own customs and â€Å"social norm†. The culture in America is radically different from that in Afghanistan. This fact is evident in A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini. This book follows the journeys two young women living in the harsh world in Afghanistan until their paths cross and they unite to rebel against the maltreatment of women that is widely accepted in their country. The lives these women lead in this book is dramatically opposite of the life that women have in America. The daily life over all in Afghanistan is very strange compared to America. They must live with droughts, poverty, and war every day. In 1999, in the city of Kabul, there was a huge drought. It had not snowed in the winter and there was no rain in the spring. The riverbed that ran through the city was completely dried up (261). With very little and scorching heat it must have been exceedingly difficult to cook or stay cool. With two young children to keep fed and hydrated water is a necessity. One of the main characters, Mariam, grew up in a mud hut on the outskirts of a village in the mountains (10). Small houses and very little income was the average life in the country. In her city, a two-story house was practically a mansion, and in America that is considered normal. The standard of living is much lower in Afghanistan. The region the two girls live in was one of constant war. Different ethnicities and religions were constantly fighting and the government was very uns teady. They lived literally in the midst of the battle zone. They could hear gunfire and rockets constantly. Houses along their very own street were taken out by bombs. Laila even lost her parents when her own house was bombed (174). It is impossible to imagine what it would be like living with that. Everyday hearing the whistling and hoping the rocket was not coming down on your house. Then losing your parents, it is unfathomable. Innocent bystanders shot down simple because they are in the wrong time at the wrong place. Women in their country have very little rights and freedoms.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Free Beowulf Essays: The Qualities of a King :: Epic Beowulf essays

Beowulf: The Qualities of a King The story of Beowulf is one of courage, nobility, and heroism. Beowulf possesses each of these attributes both as a young prince and an elder king. These qualities allow him to become an honored king, yet they also lead to his death. His actions are to be viewed as a precedent for young princes and future kings. Clearly every young prince inspires to earn enough respect to become king in their latter years. Beowulf first earns this respect when he sails to Herot to kill Grendel, the monster that has been keeping the soldiers out of their home. Upon arrival in Herot, Beowulf brags of his past accomplishments, in order to earn some respect from Hrothgar and his men. In my youth I have set about many brave deeds.I had bound five, destroyed a family of giants, and at night in the waves slain water-monsters, suffered great pain, avenged an affliction of the Weater-Geats on those who had asked for trouble- ground enemies to bits. And now alone I shall settle affairs with Grendel, the monster, the demon. (Page 32) While this beast has killed many of Hrothgar's men, Beowulf vows to destroy him with his bare hands. Even after doing as he so promised, Beowulf has still not finished his duties. The following day, he is faced with another challenge; killing Grendel's angry mother. When Beowulf is asked to perform this task, he accepts whole heatedly , as he sees it as another chance to gain fame, "Let him who may get glory before death: that is best for the warrior after he has gone from life."(page 45) Once again, Beowulf returns successful in his battle with the monster, only to increase his popularity within his people. These courageous and heroic deeds are expected of any young or aging prince. Clearly Beowulf's brave encounters with these monsters show his king and followers that he is worthy of becoming a fearless leader. However, his ability to rule goes beyond those feats in battle. Beowulf was showered with gifts of gold and riches for his tremendous achievements of killing the monsters. This is where his manner is shown to be one of strong moral. While he could have easily kept them all for himself, Beowulf gives his rewards to his king, Higlac; as he was instructed to do. In addition, Beowulf declined his first offering at the throne. His sense of morality and loyalty to Higlac tells him that it is only right for Higlac's son to take the throne before himself. These decent acts should be wisely followed